Us; Undefined: Part I

Allison Arc II: Us; Undefined

Part I: Faith

Three Weeks Later

Thankfully, the next few weeks were much more relaxed. For one, our classes with the Rook focused on teaching us how to properly throw a punch or kick, defend from grapples and the fundamentals of hand-to-hand combat instead of just kicking our asses.

As it turned out our gym teacher Ms. Carver was not only Jewish herself, but a trained reform rabbi, so she hosted a little group for the dozen or so Jewish staff and students at Ravenhold every Saturday morning, so that had become my Saturday morning routine.

“Are you going to the prayer group today?” Sage asked as I came out of the bathroom, my hair still damp from the shower.

“Yeah. Still have some time before I go though.” I answered, giving them a smile which they returned.

There was something between the two of us, I could feel it and I knew they could too, but neither of us had managed to openly acknowledge it, leaving us as friends. I had Sheila, whom I still hadn’t had the courage to mention, and surely Sage had their own reasons…

“So I was wondering if I could go with you today… If I’m allowed that is.”

“Of course.”

“So, do I need to wear something special?” They asked, looking down at their hoodie and jeans. They were having one of their more masculine day by the looks of it.

“Nah, we do casual attire. So you’ll be perfectly fine like this.”

“Ah, alright.”

“So, how about breakfast? I heard Caroline made pancakes again.”

“That sounds amazing.”


At the back of the administration building was a small non-denominational chapel for people to use. It wasn’t a huge room, just enough for a dozen benches, but every Saturday morning, it was ours to use. As we came up to the entrance, Ms. Carver was waiting at the entrance, wearing her Tallit.

“Good morning Sage.” She said. “Joining us this morning?”

“Yeah, I hope that’s alright.”

“Of course, everyone is welcome so long as they accept my rules; Cell phones go off and everyone wears a head covering.” She picked a kippah from the rack and gave it to them which they awkwardly put on while I put my own one. As soon as they moved their head, the kippah fell off, making Ms. Carver and I laugh.

“So… How do you keep it on?” They sheepishly said, holding the kippah with their hand so it wouldn’t fall again.

“With my hair, I just have velcro.” I said.

“I just clip it.” Ms. Carver answered with a smile.

They nodded silently and glanced inside at the few benches where some of the others were already sitting. In total there was a little over a dozen of us who’d come every week.

“So, is there anything I should know?”

“There’ll be a lot of reading and singing, don’t worry you can follow along in a siddur, we have spares inside. After service is over, we usually have a small buffet together, you’re free to join.”

“Alright. Thanks for having me.”


Sage seemed a little paralyzed so I took their hand and gently guided them inside. Taking a seat and giving them one of the spare prayer book, showing them how they worked; the English, Hebrew and Latin-spelled phonetic Hebrew, the commentaries and everything. They glanced at it for a while before putting it down on their lap.

I introduced them to the others and we quietly chatted in the few minutes it took before the last of us arrived and Ms. Carver called us to order, opening the shabbat service with the morning blessings.

Through the service, Sage just looked at everything eyes wide with wonder. When Ms. Carver invited me to read from the Torah, their eyes followed me all the way, focused entirely on me rather than trying to follow the meaning of the words from their siddur. After over two hours the service finally concluded with kiddush and blessing of the Challah.

“So, how was your first shabbat service?” I asked as Sage swallowed the piece of challah bread Ms. Carver had given them.

“It was really nice. I had no idea what to expect, but it was really beautiful.”

“I’m glad to hear that, although I noticed you weren’t singing. Such a shame, I was looking forward to hearing you.”

“Yeah… I hope it was okay if I didn’t, I just didn’t want to get it wrong.”

“If that was a problem, they’d have thrown me out ages ago. You have no idea how terrible my Hebrew is.”

“Is it? I thought you sounded so good when Ms. Carver asked you to read your part.”

“I might have practiced the verses all week so I wouldn’t sound too bad. So, are you hungry?”


I took them to the small buffet that we communally prepared and gave them a bit of everything, taking the time to explain some of the things present as I doubted Sage was knowledgeable about Ashkenazim, Mizrahi or Sephardic cuisine, Shabbat prohibition on cooking and the finer points of kashrut.

“So you can’t mix meat and milk products?” They asked, after I explained how we alternated between cheese and meat weeks.

“Nope. Exodus 23:19 says ‘Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk,’ so somehow this means that we can’t. Oh but in case you’re wondering, fish is one-hundred percent not meat according to tradition, so it’s okay to mix with cheese in the same meal.”

“Okay, I guess…”

“Welcome to Judaism where there’s a lot of random rules and we’ve been arguing about their true meaning for thousands of years.” I said with a chuckle.

After a quick brunch, where Sage insisted on asking Shimon for his eggplant hummus recipe, we headed back home to enjoy the rest of the day.

“So, what do you want to do now that you’re done boring you to death with faith-stuff for my sake?”

“It wasn’t boring, it was actually a nice experience. I haven’t really had any religious experience before. My parents aren’t big believers, they only go to church on Christmas eve and Easter Sunday so it didn’t rub off on me.”

“You know, I wasn’t always a strong believer, I was pretty much like you for a long time. Just like my dad, I was born into Judaism so for most of my life it was just that thing we did on saturday mornings. Something in our culture I never really thought about it. It was just that instead of getting christmas present like most kids, we got them on hanukkah.”

“What made you change?”

“My mom…. For her it was different. You see, she was born in very conservative christian family; you know the fire and brimstone kind… When she met my father in the army, she became interested in Judaism and eventually converted. For her Judaism was a liberation from the guilt and fear she was born into so it was very important to her… And after she passed away, I spent a lot of time at our synagogue. In a way, it became a way for me to be closer to her.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright, it was years ago. And I’m glad I found that connection in faith. I hope that wherever she is, she’s watching over me and I’ve done her proud.”

“I know I didn’t know her, but I think she’d be proud of who you are; a good person who just want to help others.”

The thought of her and Sage’s words brought tears to my eyes. I missed her so damned much. Sage didn’t hesitate to wrap their arms around me and hold me close. I just lost myself in their arms.

I guess it still hurt a little…

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Broken: Part XIII

Broken Legacy

Part XIII: Rivalty

I stayed on the ground in the bathroom for a few minutes, hyperventilating until I felt my breath and heart calm down. My med hadn’t taken effect yet, but at least the initial panic had faded. I got up and splashed my face with cold water before going back into the classroom.

I sat back down next to Caroline and she gave me a hard cover science manual, she had picked an extra for me.

“Hey are you alright?” She whispered.

I didn’t even have the strength to lie.

“No…” I answered.

“Do you want to leave?”

“I… Eh…” I rubbed my temples, trying to think. “ No… I took my meds, I’ll get better soon.”

Under the table, Caroline’s hand found mine and she squeezed it, giving me one of her warm gorgeous smile, which gave me a little bit of courage even though all I wanted to do was break down and cry in her arms.

“Get into four groups of four please, be mindful of the grouping as you’ll be working with each other for the rest of this year.” The teacher said.

“So anyone you want to–” I began before being interrupted.

“Hey shortie, wanna team up?” Jaeger said.

I just glared at him and his stupid leaf nose.

“I don’t see why not.” I replied. “Batboy.” I then added. I saw he was taken aback by it and felt good. I wasn’t normally a jerk, but if he wanted to make fun of my height, the gloves were off. I might have been small, but I could bite back.

“Is that the type of chimera you are?” Sanjay asked.

“Yeah. Let’s move our stuff.” Jaeger answered clearly uncomfortable. I knew I’d hit the jackpot.

Since Jaeger only had one arm, Sanjay and I moved their heavy lab table closer to ours.

“Hmm, two of you are threes,” Stanko declared. “Sage and Allison… If they think my class is worth skipping I’ll just assign them to a group each. Sage is with you lot.” He said pointing at Yougen, Yikaru and Jaime “And Allison you other three.” Tyler, Allen, Mace and Allison made that team. Leaving Annabelle, Ahti, Amber and Rowan together.

“They’re not gonna be too happy to hear that,” Jaeger muttered.

“Not from me.” I said. “Someone else can break it to them.”

“I thought you were a brave hero.” Jaeger said to me. Before I could answer him, Stanko began one of his long rants so I focused on taking notes. The ‘lesson’ covering just about everything. As he passed through the rows, his eyes fixed on Jaeger.

“You, what is your name?” he asked.

“Jaeger Smith.” I couldn’t help but notice that smith wasn’t  a very German name.

“Your paramorphic features are unique, are you a chimera?” Stanko asked. Jaeger looked really uncomfortable which I admittedly enjoyed. “Amazing. Now I wonder does anyone in the class know what a chimera is?”

“Are you alright?” I heard Caroline ask Jaeger. “He shouldn’t have singled you out like that…”

“Something made of genes from different animal species.” Yougen answered.

“Yes, now does anyone know how the process is done?” Stanko asked. I knew the answer, having done lots of research after having acquired Nibbles, but I didn’t volunteer an answer. Stanko looked at Jaeger to explain, but instead he just froze.

“I’m going to be setting you all a lot of reading.” Stanko sighed. “A chimera is made using one of two methods. The most straightforward and popular approach is splicing the DNA of a developing embryo. The second approach is combining immune suppression and cell infusions to alter pre-existing DNA. The second approach is riddled with a lot of risks. Anyone care to guess what those might be?”  

Caroline shot me a look before raising her hand. “Infection risk from the immunosuppression.” she suggested.

“Yes, any others?”

“Would there be a risk of things like cancer?” Mace asked.

“Ah, due to the advancements in this area cancer is no longer a heightened risk for chimera unless they are poorly made. Or if we’re looking at it from the second approach the attempt to bind the genes fail.”

The more people talked, the more tense Jaeger became.

“Side-effects of the drugs and cell infusions,” Annabelle said.

“Yes and yes. A lot of chimeras made this way are effectively sterilized by the process. Any others?”

“Painful puberty.” Jaeger said.

“Yes, due to the way the genes are being combined, most of the paramorphic changes don’t occur until the onset of puberty. Now we know animal chimeras were made illegal in early 2012, but creating human chimeras have been illegal since the technology was first founded.”

That was when the bell rang, announcing the end of class.

“Ah, I guess I’ll teach you about famous scientists involved in chimera research next time,” he sighed.

“So where next shortie?”.

“Follow the leader batboy,” I answered.

I guided the group downstairs, knowing where every classes were. I’d been coming to Ravenhold since I’d been taken in by Ian so I knew the place by heart. I’d even been down in the Nexus, the super secret superhero base under the administration building.

By the time world history class started, my meds had kicked into full gear, leaving me rather drowsy and out of concentration. So I didn’t listen to Dr Chrononaut’s history lesson, just pretending to be doing so.

Jaeger tried to get my goat with more short jokes but I was too tired to listen. Eventually the class ended and we all went home. Caroline dropped her gift in our room, having carried it all day, and went into the kitchen, checking her sauce.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’m going to be any help in the kitchen tonight.” I told her.

Caroline gave me a hug. “That’s alright. Get better okay?”

“I will.”

“And get that bun some love. I think Nibbles’ been lonely with how busy we’ve been.”

“Yes mom.” That made her chuckle.

“Get to it.”

I went into and I found Nibbles doing his favorite thing in the world; eating hay while sitting in his litter box. Rather than go to him already, I went to my bed and crashed down, just lying there for a while until my brain started working a little more. Nibbles was happy to keep eating hay. When my head was a little clearer, I got up and went to Nibbles’ side. 

“Hey boy.” I said, kneeling down next to him and rubbing his back. In answer, he looked at me and started to ‘purr’ by softly grinding his teeth together.

I called him and he got out of the box and followed me to the door, just in case I picked his leash and harness. I Then picked him up and made sure his bottom was clean .Which it was although he was due for a hair brushing so I picked the brush and stuffed it in my pocket.

“Alright, let’s get food.” I said, opening the door one handed before holding Nibbles with both once more.

When I came back into the kitchen, I saw that Allen had joined Caroline in the kitchen, helping her make a whole lot of dough. Quite a few people got closer once they saw Nibbles and he got really stressed.

“Please don’t crowd him, he’s a shy little guy.” I said and everyone backed off. I got an apple from the counter and sat down on the couch where Sanjay also was. With Nibbles, I shared the apple, him eating one side while I took some bites from the other.

Once he’d eaten his share, Nibbles hopped away on the couch until he ended up on Sanjay’s lap. Who looked at him for a second before just calmly petting Nibbles who sat down on his lap.

“Nibbles seems to likes you.” I said, I got my brush out and gave it to him “Here, why don’t you give him a brush.” He took it and I left for the bathroom, I needed to wash my face and my mind along with it.

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Adventure: Part XV

Adventure of a Lifetime

Part XV: The Sick, the Wounded and the Worried

The whole class ended up following Allison and the newbies for their fight against the Rook. Rather than the Dojo we’d gone to the last time, the Rook chose an isolated bit of lawn for the fight.

The fights weren’t pretty. Allen and Sage were defeated pretty easily. Allison was the one who did the best, using their power to force the Rook to be on the defensive. Still they were defeated in the end due to one of Charlie’s foam bomb, which she’d loaned to Sage minutes earlier. Jaeger went last and although he had scored a few hits, he came out of it black and blue…

The second the match ended, I went to hide side. Charlie, Sage, Sanjay and Ahti coming with me.

“You okay?” Sanjay asked, prompting Jaeger to roll his eyes dismissively.

“We should take you to Doc Venus.” Charlie suggested. I looked at her and noticed that she wasn’t looking at Jaeger’s bloodied face, instead staring straight into the grass.

Jaeger tried to get on his feet by himself but stumbled back down. In the end, he resignedly accepted Sanjay’s hand. Jaeger took a few steps forward and we followed him except for Sage.

“I don’t need a whole congregation.” He said, looking at us.

“I want to make sure you’re okay though,” Ahti said, their voice higher pitched than usual.

“It’s not like I have a life threatening wound here jeez.”

We walked to the clinic, the doc sharing the same building and waiting room as Max Steel. Since classes were in session, Jaeger went into the doc’s office immediately. While Charlie, Ahti and I waited outside for them.

Next to me, I could see Ahti just shaking in their chair. Hunched over and looking about hyper alert.

“Are you okay, Ahti?” I asked putting a hand on their shoulder.

“Yes, but what about Jaeger, is he going to be okay? What if his arm is broken, is it going to heal, what if he doesn’t? I Jaeger going to leave us? I don’t want him to leave, I just met him and he seems nice. I don’t want to lose a friend…” They said, a few sad whining noise escaping their throat.

“Hey relax, little one.” Instinctively I ran my fingers over their bare cranium and they came closer, snuggling up with me. “I’m sure it’s nothing serious, beside I’m sure the doctor knows how to treat anything.”

“Really? You’re not just saying that for me, right?”

“I know Jaeger’s going to be fine. He’ll just need a day or two and he’ll be back to top shape.”

Ahti kind of looked at me weirdly, like they weren’t sure whether to believe me or not.  

Thankfully Jaeger came out soon enough, their face all cleaned up, their lip patched and somewhat swollen. He’d removed his blood stained t-shirt and instead had just buttoned up the red shirt he’d worn over it.

“We’ve missed the first few minutes of Science.” Charlie said, looking up the time on her pĥone and getting to her feet. “But don’t worry. Stanko is more invested in shared interest in the sciences than timekeeping.”

We went out and the others talked for a bit while I just listened. However there was a second of awkwardness when Jaeger mentioned wanting to bring down heroes from their smug attitude… Which was a bit odd.

“So anything we should expect from science class?” I asked.

“The teacher’s a nutjob.” Charlie said deadpan.


“But the good news is that I came prepared.” She said. “I have a defoliant bomb, a vial of  protomatter disruption compound, a cryo-liquid spray, self-igniting liquid fuel and a pair of protective gel globs.”

“Do you really need those for science class?” I asked, giving her a look. “Weird teacher or not…”

“Last year the academy had to deal with a giant super fast growing fungus carpet taking over the school, a runaway neogenetic dinosaur, an agnosia gas leak that made everyone forget who everyone else was for a day and a weird group of protomatter doppelganger who then went on to merge into a hivemind intent on replacing humanity.”

“Okay so there’s been a few accidents…” I said, processing what she’d just told me.

“Those are just the things that happened in June like three months back. It’s like that every month. Heck we’re lucky nothing’s happened yet.”

All of that stuff had happened in June? And that guy was teaching us…

We arrived at the lab, on the other side of the school building from Mr. Martin’s class and the teacher let us in. As we walked in, I took a good look at the teacher. He was kind of tall and lanky. Aside from the really bad case of bed hair, he looked normal.

But then he opened his mouth…

“Ah! It seems that our astray students have made their way toward us, most fantastic!” He declared. He had some sort of european accent that I didn’t place. “You’ve joined us just in time too, as I was just  about to meticulously explain the wonderful bountiful mysterious world of SCIENCE to your fellow classmates. Please take a seat right over there!” He said, making a broad motion toward the lab stations.

It took us a second the react and we quietly went out and took seats at the back. Charlie and I together while Jaeger and Sanjay sat at the lab station next to ours.

Stanko, that was the teacher’s name, started talking and it was quick and verbose. Immediately, I knew I was going to struggle with the class. His accent, the way and the speed he talked made it difficult for me to follow. Not helped by the distance, although I should have sat in the front, I didn’t dare interrupt him.

After another barrage of speech, he asked what the Von-Neumann gene was. Or I think he did, I’d only gotten about 30% of what he’d said. Nobody however volunteered to answer so I did.

“Uh… It’s the gene believed to be responsible for the appearance of mutants.” I offered, hoping I’d understood what he’d asked.

And according to his cheerful demeanor, I had. Without missing a beat, he launched into a long explanation of something. Until he gave us an experiment. All it required was a scalpel, a petri dish and a clear liquid solution.

Thankfully, I wasn’t shy about blood. When you grew up in a farm in the middle of nowhere, scrapes, bruises and cuts were a common thing. I’d even become the go-to person for first aid since my grandpa’s hands were becoming less and less accurate.

Charlie however looked horrible, her hands shaking. She’d closed her eyes to prick her finger and had turned livid…

“Are you okay?” I asked, putting my hand on her arm. “You’re like really pale…”

“I think I’m going to be sick…” She mumbled, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths.

I took out a tissue from my bag and wiped her finger clean before wrapping the band-aid Stanko had provided in our ‘kit’ around her finger.

The next step of the experiment involved putting a drop of the clear solution into our blood sample. Charlie tried to do it first but her hands shook so badly that she couldn’t so I did it for the both of us.

The second the solution hit my sample, it began clotting. Charlie’s however remained liquid. Four of us had experienced a clot; Amber, Allen, Jaime and I. The others, minus Sage and Allison who hadn’t shown up to class, didn’t clot.

“Can I go to the bathroom? I think I’m going to be sick…” Charlie asked. She got the green light and ran out of the room.

Stanko had us pick some manuals and I took one for Charlie who returned a few minutes later.

“Hey are you alright?” I whispered to her once she sat back down again. She was still really pale.

“No…” She answered.

“Do you want to leave?”

“I… Eh… No… I took my meds, I’ll get better soon.”

I wanted to give her a hug so badly but since we weren’t exactly in the best place for that, I settled for taking her hand. Squeezing it gently.

“Get into four groups of four please, be mindful of the grouping as you’ll be working with each other for the rest of this year.” The teacher said.

“So anyone you want to–”

“Hey shortie, wanna team up?” Jaeger interrupting her and coming up next to us. Charlie just stopped, turned around and glared at him, murder in her eyes. I was fairly sure I was the only one who could call her short without risking life and limb.

“I don’t see why not,” she replied. “Batboy.” She then called him. Jaeger seeming taken aback by the nickname.

I could see the tension between the two of them. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing, but at least Charlie wasn’t about to pass out anymore…

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Changing Faith: Part VII

Changing Faith

Part VII: Dire Straights of Ravenhold

I didn’t feel so bad about my performance watching Sage, then Allison stepped up. I recoiled to the back of the group at the site of the flames and carnage they were causing to the environment. When the fight was over I remembered all of the things my mum had told me about mutants. They caused destruction wherever they went. I found it hard to challenge her though upon seeing the husk of trees nearby and burnt ground. They seemed less than happy being trapped in the form but I was relieved. Someone that dangerous should be kept away from people. Although I guess that was why Ravenhold existed – and why I was here as well.

I was a bit surprised that for Jaegers turn he asked for a gun. I was used to guns being from the south but my understanding was hero mutants didn’t like those sort of weapons. They either were a terrifying weapon themselves or used less invasive weaponry with a lower death rate attached to it.

I knew Jaeger could echolocate, I assume from bat genetics? It would explain his weird nose and ears then. I hoped he would fail too when Sanjay had finished explaining how to use the palm laser gun, mostly so I could feel less bad.

That hope quickly diminished as it became clear Jaeger definitely had fighting experience. He avoided and even took some of the hits that winded me and could match the Rook at hand to hand stuff. Some of it was a blur it happened so fast. Then like that it was over, or seemed that way. Jaeger tried to continue to fight even with his hurt arm and the Rook had to pin him down in the end to make him surrender.

After that the others began leaving, discussing what they’d seen or something completely unrelated. I noticed some other students from other classes watching too. Was this place that lacking for drama? Some stayed behind to help Jaeger. I opted not to hang around and followed everyone else to our next class. Which was apparently science.

We walked into a spacious lab area which was made up of high marble top tables and plastic blue stools. There was a piping system in the room that allowed for each desk to have things like bunsen burners I guessed. There were various other bits of equipment and storage drawers around the back end of the classroom. There was another door on the opposite side of the wall to the classroom door which I assumed was the teacher’s office.

We slowly filled in, taking seats. I saw the usual pairs sitting together and spotted one guy sitting on his own. I took the stool next to him and hoped I didn’t manage to offend him as well.

“Hi, I’m Allen.”

“Tyler,” he replied, looking mildly surprised. Before we could continue talking the teacher’s office door burst open and a man with wild greying hair and a lab coat bounded into the room, a large grin on his face. I wasn’t entirely sure how safe I felt with this guy.

“Right, teaching,” he huffed, his voice carrying a strong eastern european lilt to it. Apparently he had left his office for a piece of equipment, not expecting to see us. His face quickly changed to a grin and he clapped his hands together. “My name is Stanko Ferhatović and-” he was cut off, frowning at the layout of the class.

“Where are the rest of you? I know I have a track record but students don’t usually disappear that fast….” he trailed off muttering to himself. He turned to sort through the messy pile of papers and books strewn across part of his desk. “A-ha!” he exclaimed, holding up what I assumed was a register. He murmured to himself as he looked over the names.

The chick in the wheelchair raised her hand, I think her name was Yougen. I hadn’t really had a chance to speak to a lot of the others. Stanko was still buried in the register so she had to clear her throat to get his attention.

“The Rook fought the newer students who missed his class at lunchtime. One of them got injured and his friends went with him to the doctor,” Yougen explained.

“Ah, sounds about right,” Stanko said, putting down the register. “Right then, may as well get started and-” the knocking on the door interrupted him. He went over and yanked open the door, his eyes widening as he saw the others who had been missing.

“Ah! It seems that our astray students have made their way toward us, most fantastic!” he declared. “You’ve joined us just in time too, as I was just about to meticulously explain the wonderful bountiful mysterious world of SCIENCE to your fellow classmates. Please take a seat right over there!” He moved aside, throwing his arms out towards the rest of the classroom.

“What does it say about me that people being weird in this place isn’t surprising me anymore?” I sighed. Tyler let out a short laugh in response. I considered asking Jaeger if he was okay but doubted he wanted to talk to me. He had a 3D split around his arm so the Rook must’ve really done a number on him afterall. Stanko continued where he left off.

“In this class, you’ll learn not only the fascinating theories explaining the mysteries of the cosmos as we know it that have arisen because of the scientific method but also practical applications that will aid you with the subjugation of the villainous elements of society with the aid of the cold, precise and replicable hand of SCIENCE,” he beamed, radiating excitable energy as he raised a fist to the air.

“But rather than bore you with lessons you are more than likely not yet ready to assimilate, I propose that we begin this year’s class with a simple but rewarding experiment about the nature of parahuman mutation and the universal paramorphic feature endemic to mutants, the Von-Neumann gene. Which of you would like to tell me what said gene is?”

Caroline looked unsure of herself when she raised her hand to explain. “Uh, it’s the gene believed to be responsible for the appearance of mutant.”

“Yes! Most excellent answer. The gene is found in pairs in all mutants on earth, passed down from parent to child through sexual reproduction. However the gene’s recessive inheritance means that a child requires a copy from both parents to manifest parahuman abilities. Although no two mutants are exactly alike, one paramorphic features unite them all. Does anyone know what this feature would be?”

I frowned at the new knowledge. What he was saying meant both my mum and dad were carriers. I had never thought about that. Maybe they felt equally bad and responsible for what was happening to me? That is if my mum even told dad. They didn’t exactly speak.

Silence pervaded the room as no one seemed to have a clue what he was talking about. I only knew the gene from the test Nucleon made me take.

“Nobody? Tsk… such a shame, one would think this group of youngsters would be aware of such an important element of trivia which is used to identify mutants worldwide. Still, that is why I am here, for my purpose is to educate you on those matters.” He seemed to think to himself quietly for a moment before launching into his next piece of dialogue.

“If you would please open the drawer of your lab station, you’ll find something we shall require for our day’s experiment.” Tyler opened the drawer and frowned. There were two scalpels, small petri dishes, a clear chemical, a drop counter and plasters. Tyler laid the tray on the desk, still frowning.

“Now our experiment is most simple and will be informative in both parahuman and mundane biology. In front of you are the simple tools we’ll require to test all of your von-neumann status. Now, as unpleasant as it might be, please take the scalpel. Using the tip of the blade, prick your finger, just enough for a few drops of blood to be put into the dish.” Charlie apparently didn’t want to do the test but Stanko insisted.

“I’ll go first,” Tyler offered. It quickly became clear though that Tyler had issues actually getting his blood – in that the scalpel snapped when he tried to apply pressure to his skin.

“What is your mutation, marble skin?” I asked, semi-serious. It took some creative thinking but finally there were a few small drops in a petri dish. His didn’t clot though which only made me want to ask further questions.

I’d already done it before but part of me kinda hoped that when I mixed up the solution with my blood the result would somehow miraculously be different. It wasn’t. It was almost like the teacher wanted to dig the point in even deeper when he announced I was among those who were ‘officially mutants’.

“Now go grab a copy of the books from the cupboard at the back of the room. You’ll need these to keep up with the awe inspiring world I’ll be teaching you all about.”

I couldn’t work out if he just really liked the sound of his own voice or if he was that oblivious. I hesitated when Ahti stood next to me at the cupboard and let them go first. I didn’t wanna risk brushing against their weird looking skin.

“Get into four groups of four please, be mindful of the grouping as you’ll be working with each other for the rest of this year,” Stanko explained. Tyler looked at me and shrugged. I assumed that meant he was okay teaming up with me. Another guy glanced around before deciding to join us.

“Hiya,” he said, taking one of the empty stools. I managed to remember his name was Mace. “No offence to the girls but I need to have some guy friends in this place,” he joked.

I felt relieved that my group was made of other straight guys, or at least I was pretty sure they were all straight. I wasn’t too surprised to see that Caroline, Charlie, Sanjay and Jaeger were in a group. Rowan, Ahti, Annabelle and Amber were the third group and the fourth were made up of Yougen, Yikaru and Jaime.

“Hmm, two of you are threes,” Stanko signed, glancing at the register. “Sage and Allison.” He frowned before shrugging his shoulder. “If they think my class is worth skipping I’ll just assign them to a group each. Sage is with you lot,” he said pointing at Yougen’s groups, “And Allison you other three,” he finished.

I gulped, well aware Allison did not like me, and they were more than powerful enough to destroy me. Although they would probably made a good sparring partner if we actually got on, since I don’t think my ability could actually hurt them in that other form.

The class was less eventful after that, minus the part where Stanko singled out Jaeger. It was pretty interesting learning about chimeras though. I actually left the room with some people talking to me. Mace was easier to joke with than Tyler though, he seemed more withdrawn for some reason, his thoughts elsewhere. I looked at my tablet seeing our next class was history. As long as the teacher wasn’t racist it was an improvement on the last history teacher I knew.

Generation: Part XIII

A new generation of heroes

Part XIII: Quiet Moment

As Charlie had promised, the foam dissipated in eight minutes. What she hadn’t told me what that it’d leave this sticky, greasy residue that just smelled like a mix of dollar store perfume and gasoline.

In the time it had taken for me to be free, Jaeger had fought and the others had left. All except for Sage who sat on the ground not far from me.

“Are you alright?” They asked once I broke through the thin barrier that held me down.

“Yeah, but I think I’m going to need a shower or twelve. How’s your shoulder?”

“It’s alright.” They said, getting up. There was a flash of pain in their expression when they put weight hurt shoulder.

“It hurts like hell doesn’t it?”

“Totally.” They said with a tired chuckle. “Nothing serious though.”

“Glad to hear that.” I said, giving them a smile.

We went home and I grabbed a change of clothes from my room, going for shorts and a tank top before barricading myself in the shower.

I spent an eternity in the shower rubbing over and over trying to desperately get that disgusting gunk off me. I brushed so hard I thought I’d lost half the skin on my body. But worst of all, I had to undo my braids to properly get the sticky residue out of them.

When I finally came out, I found Sage waiting for me in the kitchen, sitting on one of the stool, their arms crossed on the counter. They looked pretty damned tired and I could see their throat had turned red from the Rook’s hold.

“Hey, I’m squeaky clean now.” I said, putting a hand on their shoulder.

“That’s nice” They said, turning around to face me. There was a pause before they spoke again. “You undid your hair?”

“Yeah, I had to.” I said, feeling a bit depressed out it. I’d only kept the braids in for two weeks. And not only would I have to wait before I could put them back in, lest I damage my hair, but I wasn’t sure how soon I’d have the five to six hours it took to braid them…

“Well, I think you look great like this too.” They gave me a smile and I could feel my heart warming up. I couldn’t help but smile back.


“So, we’ve missed like half of science class. Guess we should just wait for the next one.”

“Eh, honestly I’m so done for the day. The gunk gave me a headache and the refractory period is just kicking my ass on top of the usual.”

“So you’re cutting class?”

“Yeah. Want to join me? It’s going to be a heck of a lot less boring with you around.”

“That sounds fun and scary. Think we’re going to be in trouble for it?”

I shrugged. “Either way, classes are recorded so we won’t be missing anything.”

“I guess we can stay in then.”

“Awesome. Say, do you want to hang around my room? Rowan typically only goes there to sleeps so we’ll be alone for as long as we want.”


“But first; Food. I’m starving.” I went into the fridge and found a tray of leftover sandwiches from the night before. I took a whole bunch and stuffed them down my face at record speed.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you were starving.” Said commented, wide eyed.

“Well, we skipped lunch and I hit the refractory period of my power, which made it worse.”

“What’s it like hitting a refractory period?”

“You’ve never had one?”

“I’ve never used my power enough.”

“Well it comes into two flavors of suck; weakening and shut down. Weakening is the first to come; your powers stop responding as quickly and you need more concentration and effort to do less. Shut downs happen when you’ve pushed past your limit; Your powers just stop working and it’s weird, it’s like a piece of you is missing… Either way, fastest way to recover is plenty of high calorie food and rest.”

In answer, Sage nodded, absorbing all that information.

“So, my room?” I asked.


I took lead and guided them to my room, holding the door open and letting them in first. Sage took a long look around.

“Obviously this is my room. Uh, please avoid touching anything, no offense but if things aren’t in order it makes my OCD act up.”

“Oh alright… Well, your room is pretty much identical to mine. Say, is that yours?” Sage said, pointing to the Bass that leaned against the wall.

“Yeah. It was a gift from my mom a few years back. I’ve always loved the way bass sounded so she got it for me on my birthday after plenty of begging for one. I still play it, although I do most of my music with synthesizers now. Mostly drum and bass or electronica in general.”

“Oh cool. I primarily play the piano as well as some cello and the flute. I did a lot of classical music.”

“That’s pretty cool. We could start a band.” I joked. “The Enbies of Ravenhold.”

“Oh yeah, bass and piano. That’s going to be a hit.”

“Totally.” I said in a super serious way, which made them laugh.

“You know, I’d love to hear your music one day.”

“Maybe you will. Plus, I’m registered for music as my art elective.”

“Me too.”

“Guess you’ll hear my play sooner than later.” I said sitting on my bed, Sage sitting right next to me. “How about a movie? Anything you want.”

“Sure, do you have any musicals?”

“I can get anything.” I said.

I booted up a streaming site and soon found a cute animated musical adventure based on Igbo mythology. The two of us huddled close under the cover, back to the wall with my laptop on my lap.

Although I couldn’t focus as my head just started throbbing.

“Are you alright? You don’t look so good.” Sage asked as if they’d read my mind. Which was a possibility, but I knew they wouldn’t do so without permission.

“Eh, I’m kind of beat from the fight and everything.” I said, rubbing my temples.

“I could help… If you want me to that is.” They said, shifting uncomfortably.

“Alright.” I didn’t even think about it.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, I trust you.”

They even huddled closer to me on the bed and raised their hand, softly brushing my cheek. We closed our eyes. Immediately, I felt the contact happening; My body becoming less tense, the pain fading away and that warm caring presence inside my head.

I could feel the warmth of their breath on the skin of my neck. My heart started beating faster and my breaths got sharper. I could just feel how close we were…

“Are you alright?” They asked, breaking the contact.

“Yeah, it was just a little intense…” I said, looking away. “The movie’s still playing.”


Our focus went back to the movie. Or rather Sage’s did, while I just got lost in my own thoughts. I was accurately aware of just how close we were and my heart was beating like crazy, my skin burned bright hot. Somewhere along the way, Sage’s head became propped up against my shoulder.

Here I was, snuggling in bed with my brand new crush… It was simultaneously exciting and terrifying.

However I couldn’t help but think back to Sheila, I felt like I was betraying her. I know we weren’t really together anymore, but in a way we still were. After all, she’d only broken up to spare my feelings…

And what would Sage think if they knew about Sheila… I couldn’t hide it from them. It wasn’t right. I had to talk to them.

“Sage?” I softly asked, a noose forming in my stomach.

“Uh?” They intoned lowly.

“There’s something I want to tell–”

I didn’t finish my sentence as Sage answered with a light snore. Exhaustion had gotten the better of them. They looked so peaceful sleeping against my shoulder, I couldn’t bring myself to wake them up.

“Goodnight sleepyhead.” I muttered, running my hand through their hair.

I guess it could wait…

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Wayward: Part VIII

The Wayward Son

Part VIII: A Clingy Batboy

I was woken up early in the morning by a loud bang. I jumped out of bed only to see Jaeger sprawled on the floor, back on the ground but their legs still partially hanging from the ledge of his bed. His shirt had fallen down to his shoulder revealing some rather worrisome but faded scars on his chest…

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Fine,” He said, not too terribly convincingly before getting up and taking some clothes from his closet. “I need a shower.” Like that, he left me alone.

It was late enough that I stayed up, being only a few minutes before my usual wakeup time so I just got up, put some joggers and headed for the kitchen where some of the others were already awake. I got myself a cup of tea and toasts. Caroline had made pancakes but I declined them.

I went to sit on the couch soon joined by Annabelle and Amber, and absently watched the morning news which was mostly preoccupied with floodings in the south and the upcoming elections.

A few minutes Jaeger came to sit beside me, wearing blacks jeans, a gray t-shirt and an unbuttoned red shirt over it. Even with the shower, he still looked quite preoccupied.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Fine.” He answered defensively.

“Well, let me know if you want to talk,” I offered.

Wird nicht passieren.” He muttered, defaulting to his native German. I might not have known German but it didn’t take a genius to know it meant no.

At that moment, Allen walked into the room and Jaeger’s gaze was filled with murderous thoughts. Despite the obvious dislike Jaeger had for him, Allen opted to sit down beside him. By the way Jaeger unconsciously seemed to tense, I knew one of them would likely end with a broken bone by the end of the morning if nobody did anything.

“Want to join me for a run?” I offered as an escape door for Jaeger.

“Uh, I would but I need to go see the doc in this place,” He answered.

“Me too,” Allen said, apparently oblivious to the fact it was in his best interest to stay as bloody far away as he could from Jaeger.

“Good for you.” Jaeger said, his voice positively dripping with sarcasm.

“I’ve been there before. It’ll save you time getting lost if we go together,” Allen offered.

“I don’t get lost easily. I could just search out the place with medical equipment with echolocation if I had an issue following signs.” Jaeger said, mentioning what I presumed was one of his abilities.

“Woah, that’s cool.” Allen said, eyes wide.

Apparently Allen was the type who needed a giant ‘fuck off’ neon sign before he’d get the clue that Jaeger didn’t want him around.

“Well, I better go run. Hope all goes well with the doctor.” I said, finishing my tea cup and getting up.

I went on a run alone, going the same path that I’d picked. As boring as it was, I liked routine. Although I did not stop within the hall of heroes that time. I came back home and showered before taking care of my daily prayers and meditations.

When Homeroom came about, Mr. Martin had hooked me up with a selection of college level courses of different subject matters as we’d discussed. Rather than waste time doing something ‘educational’ I popped the basic aeronautics class and began reading. Jaeger joined me, taking the seat beside me.

“Hey, how did the doctor’s appointment go?” I asked.

“Good.” Jaeger replied, switching his own tablet on. It didn’t take long for Jaeger to need some help with some maths problems. Although I didn’t mention it, I couldn’t help but notice that he were struggling with middle-school level mathematics even though he was clearly around my own age.

I didn’t mind helping them though, it was less of a waste of my time than the curriculum I’d picked. After all, I would actually do something productive with Jaeger.

“What’s our next class after lunch?” Jaeger asked once Homeroom ended.

“Science,” I said, checking our schedule as we headed for the cafeteria, where Jaeger kept following me like I was his safety buoy. I lined up to get a veggie submarine sandwich and Jaeger even ordered the same.

I saw that the others were all together, save for Annabelle and Amber who were mysteriously missing. And headed toward them rather than be left with the clingy batboy outside. After a few minutes, I saw the Rook make his way through the cafeteria clearly on the lookout for something or someone.

That something was us as he stopped right at our table.

“Class three of year one. It’s nice to see you’re all assembled here, that makes everything easier.” He declared. “Some of you have had the luxury of skipping our first class. I believe it’s time we rectify this.”

I couldn’t help but give Jaeger a worried look. The Rook’s Ravenhold welcome wasn’t any fun. Those who hadn’t had the chance to face him got up and followed him outside, themselves followed by the rest of the class. I admit, we were curious as to how they would perform.

We arrived to flat patch of grass with the occasional tree here and there which became the battlefield.

Allen went first, getting utterly crushed in record time as they had no weapons and didn’t use any noticeable parahuman ability. Next to me, I could see Jaeger look a little too satisfied with Allen’s fate.

Sage went next, Charlie giving them her utility belt which she carried hidden under her coat. They did not do so well but at least managing some impressive dodging. The Rook held them in a chokehold when Allison intervened, breaking them out. Like that, Allison’s turn began and they were terrifying to say the least.

Allison was powerful, nigh unstoppable. Ignoring bombs and blades thrown at them which just disintegrated as they hit the plasma form they transformed into. Their attacks could vaporize wood and left the ground charred where the bolts landed. It was only by a stroke of luck that the Rook won, using one of Charlie’s foam charge that they’d stolen from Sage which caused Allison to transform back.

“Does anyone have a gun?” Jaeger asked when his turn came.

I could see the others look at him like he’d said something odd. It took me a second to remember the device I’d made in the hotel room.

“I only have a laser one.” I said, taking it out and handing it to him.

I made sure to explain how it worked and that he’d have to replace the microfusion cell every three shot. The weapon’s performance was pretty abysmal, but it was simply an improvised prototype.

Jaeger’s fight was different from the others, more brutal and visceral. Both he and the Rook scoring some good hit. Even though my laser blaster was inaccurate due to its design, Jaeger seemed to have no issue landing a shot which filled the air with the smell of burnt flesh…

Jaeger was not lightweight when it came to holding his own in a fight; fast on his feet, quick to act and react and improvising well; even using the Rook’s costume against him. Although the Rook came out on top, both figuratively and literally, it hadn’t been the clean victory he’d had against so many of us.

Jaeger was good, scary good. It wasn’t the type of performance you put up without going through some serious scraps. The scars I’d seen in the morning came to mind. Something told me he wasn’t just another hopeful wanting to play with the heroes like many of the others…

Once Jaeger surrendered, The Rook quickly left and I went to Jaeger’s side, flanked by the others.

“You okay?” I asked for the thousandth time that day.

In answer Jaeger simply rolled their eyes and pushed themselves to a sitting position, visibly pained by the move.

“We should take you to Doc Venus,” Charlie said to Jaeger.

Jaeger nodded and tried to get on his feet alone but he was about to topple over so I caught him by his good arm and helped him up.

Danke.” Jaeger whispered.

We started walking and several of the others followed, including Charlie, Caroline and Ahti. Which seemed to weird Jaeger out as they looked at me for an answer as to what to do, which I had none for.

We went to the clinic and were greeted by a Venusian doctor, which was odd but then again Ravenhold had quite a few aliens so a doctor from a parallel dimension Venus wasn’t that out of place.

The others stayed in the waiting room but I followed Jaeger into the examination room, which he didn’t seem to mind so much. After some examination and an X-ray, the doctor declared Jaeger’s hand sprained and had a solid splint fabricated around their arm as to prevent it from moving until it healed.

“Take these if you get serious pain but it should be fine if you go easy for a few days,” The doctor told him, a plastic bottle full of pills in hand “Plenty of time to recover before you next fight with Michael.”

“Brilliant,” Jaeger muttered bitterly.

He didn’t move so I took the bottle and thanked the Doctor before pushing Jaeger toward the door. We were getting late for class.

“C’mon. At least it’s nothing serious.”

“What are you, my mother?” Jaeger snapped at me before snatching the pills from my hand.

“I’m just trying to help.”

He turned toward the door and there was a moment as his gaze shifted from the handle to his hurt hand and then to the one holding the bottle before he looked back at the handle. I couldn’t help but smirk as I opened the door for him.

“Werden sie küssen mich meine lippe zu heilen?” He asked. I might not have understood German, but the tone of it made me question if I actually wanted to know what he’d just said or not…

He didn’t volunteer a translation and we left the exam room, the others waiting for us.

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Broken: Part XII

Broken Legacy

Part XII: Sight of Blood

Michael took the group to one of the open stretch of terrain on the academy ground for his test. Much to my delight, Allen was the first one to go. Getting his ass handed to him pretty badly. For some reason, he didn’t even use his powers and instead feebly trying to fight in hand-to-hand combat and failing miserably.

Up next was Sage. Seeing as they were unarmed and didn’t have an offensive power, I gave them my utility belt. Not that it helped much as the Rook held them in a chokehold almost immediately, trying to get them to surrender but either they wouldn’t or couldn’t…

That was when Allison jumped in, ripping the staff holding Sage away. And just like that their turn began. As Sage hadn’t surrendered, they were also still in the fight at least nominally. In reality they were mostly just in agony…

Allison was a different beast altogether. Their alternate form wasn’t physical and they ignored just about everything Michael threw at them while bombarding them with bright hot beams and bolts of burning energy, even bisecting a tree in half. I couldn’t help but think they were actually trying to murder him…

In the end, it was a foam bomb from my own utility belt that defeated Allison, somehow being covered in form forced them back into their normal form. That fight over with, Sage having been entangled with bolas, I rushed to Allison’s side, helping Sage back up and retrieving my utility belt which contained the foam dissolution formula.

There wasn’t a break before it was Jaeger’s turn, whom to our surprised asked for a fraking gun. Guns aren’t very popular with heroes, sure sharper-than-sharp knives hurt too, but it’s kind of a style and philosophical thing. Sanjay had some laser shooting gauntlet palm thing which they gave Jaeger.

Jaeger’s fight wasn’t pretty… It was short and brutal, both of them getting in some solid hits. Although Michael won, I could smell the nauseating odor of burnt flesh from where Jaeger had shot with Sanjay’s laser. He didn’t hang around, leaving us, probably to tend to his injuries…

Sanjay, Sage, Caroline, Ahti and I went to Jaeger side. He looked pretty bad, breathing painfully, one of their hand clearly damaged and blood all over their lower face, their mouth being equally full of red… 

I looked away. Trying not to think about it… I fiddled through my coats pockets until I found the tissues I kept in there, handing the pack to to Jaeger while staring at the ground.

“We should take you to Doc Venus.” I said. Doc Venus or Szijkith Sja Szjjil, was our school’s doctor and as her nickname suggested she was a Venusian from an alternate universe. She was also my psychiatrist.

Jaeger tried to get up but faltered, Sanjay then giving him a hand.

“Danke” Jaeger said toward him.

“I need to stay with Allison but I hope your arms okay,” Sage said, going next to the bubble of foam where Allison was still stuck. It had reduced by half but they were still encased in there.

Jaeger and Sanjay got moving and I followed, some of the others coming with me.

“I don’t need a whole congregation,” Jaeger said with a sigh.

“I want to make sure you’re okay though,” Ahti said, visibly shaken and scared for Jaeger’s wellbeing.

“It’s not like I have a life threatening wound here jeez.”

Thankfully Doc Venus’ clinic was nearby. Jaeger and Sanjay went in the exam room together while Ahti, Caroline and I waited in the lobby. Caroline trying to console Ahti, who flat out clung to her, asking a thousand questions to her.

Soon enough Jaeger came out holding a bottle of pills in his good arm while the other had a 3d printed cast over it so he wouldn’t move it while it healed. Sanjay was just behind him, holding the door open.

“We’ve missed the first few minutes of Science.” I said to them, looking at the time and standing up. “But don’t worry. Stanko is more invested in shared interest in the sciences than timekeeping.”

I’d been kind of dreading science class. Not only was I utterly awful at it, but we’d been assigned resident mad scientist Stanko Ferhatović as our teacher…

“I gotta ask,” Sanjay asked Jaeger as we walked toward the school building, not in any hurry, “Why did you grab his cape? All heros are prepared for those type of attacks.”

“Just one of those things I’ve always wanted to do,” Jaeger answered with a shrug. “Heroes look so smug with their damn capes. It’s good to remind them that they could backfire on them.”

I couldn’t help but shoot a glare at Jaeger. For a Ravenhold student, he was a bit odd; asking for a gun, the being proud of one-upping a hero…

“What?” He asked.

“I think your German to English wording needs work.” Sanjay said.

I nodded to Sanjay’s comment. Maybe it was just different cultures?

“So anything we should expect from science class?” Caroline asked, changing the conversation.

“The teacher’s a nutjob.”

“Okay…” She answered, looking at me.

“But the good news is that I came prepared.” I said. “I have a defoliant bomb, a vial of  protomatter disruption compound, a cryo-liquid spray, self-igniting liquid fuel and a pair of protective gel globs.” I listed.

“Do you really need those for science class?” Caroline asked wide-eyes. “Weird teacher or not…”

“Last year the academy had to deal with a giant super fast growing fungus carpet taking over the school, a runaway neogenetic dinosaur, an agnosia gas leak that made everyone forget who everyone else was for a day and a weird group of protomatter doppelganger who then went on to merge into a hivemind intent on replacing humanity.”

“Okay so there’s been a few accidents…” Caroline said.

“Those are just the things that happened in June like three months back. It’s like that every month. Heck we’re lucky nothing’s happened yet.”

We arrived to the lab and knocked. A second later, the teacher opened the door. Stanko was wearing his usual duds; a lab coat, jeans, sneakers and graying hair that had just survived a hurricane.

“Ah! It seems that our astray students have made their way toward us, most fantastic!” Stanko declared once he saw us, his words heavily marked by his Bosnian accent. “You’ve joined us just in time too, as I was just  about to meticulously explain the wonderful bountiful mysterious world of SCIENCE to your fellow classmates. Please take a seat right over there!” He said, making a broad motion toward the lab stations.

We sheepishly sat down, Caroline and I sitting together, Jaeger and Sanjay together and Ahti going for Rowan’s desk.

“In this class, you’ll learn not only the fascinating theories explaining the mysteries of the cosmos as we know it that have arisen because of the scientific method but also practical applications that will aid you with the subjugation of the villainous elements of society with the aid of the cold, precise and replicable hand of SCIENCE.” He said verbosely, raising his fist in glee.

“Is he okay?” Caroline asked whispering to me.

“He’s definitely off his meds again…” I sighed.

Although Stanko wasn’t a bad person, he was one of the more unstable technologically adept mutants around, being prone to impulsive, poor thought out or controlled experiments. He also had a hint of reality warper as his methods could be summed up as taking physics and beating it with a truncheon behind a shed… Having him teach at Ravenhold was really more of a damage control exercise to keep him busy and minimize his free time… It was a partial success.

“But rather than bore you with lessons you are more than likely not yet ready to assimilate, I propose that we begin this year’s classes with a simple but rewarding experiment about the nature of parahuman mutation and the universal paramorphic feature endemic to mutants, the Von-Neumann gene.” He declared. “Which of you would like to tell me what said gene is?”

Caroline hesitantly raised her hand and Stanko pointed at her.

“Yes you young lady, pray tell what the answer is.”

“Uh…” She began, a little uncomfortable. “It’s the gene believed to be responsible for the appearance of mutants.”

“Yes! Most excellent answer. The gene is found in pair in all mutants on earth, passed down from parent to child through sexual reproduction. However the gene’s recessive inheritance means that a child requires a copy from both parents to manifest parahuman abilities. Although no two mutants are exactly alike, one paramorphic features unite them all. Does anyone know what this feature would be?”

There was a bit of silence, but I wasn’t sure if it was because nobody else knew or like me they were just trying to fade into the background.

“Nobody? Tsk… Such a shame, one would thing this group of youngsters would be aware of such an important element of trivia which is used to identify mutants worldwide. Still, that is why I am here, for my purpose is to educate you on those matter.”

Evidently, Stanko was not a big believer in brevity.

“If you would please open the drawer of your lab station, you’ll find something we shall require for our day’s experiment.”

I did and found a few things; a pair of scalpel, two tiny petri dish, a vial of clear liquid, a drop counter and band-aids. I took the tray containing them and put it on the lab counter surface.

“Now our experiment is most simple and will be informative in both parahuman and mundane biology. In front of you are the simple tools we’ll require to test all of your von-neumann status. Now, as unpleasant as it might be, please take the scalpel. Using the tip of the blade, prick your finger, just enough for a few drops of blood to be put into the dish.”

“Do we really have to?” I asked sheepishly.

“Of course, SCIENCE, just like heroism requires sacrifices and dedication. Can you be a hero if you cannot do this one small sacrifice?”

I took the Scalpel in my hand and slowly brought it to my finger, my hand shaking. I felt my whole body became cold and tight as the metal touched my skin. I closed my eyes until I felt the prick sensation of pain followed by a warm, wet feeling on my finger…

I opened my eyes and got the drops into the dish. Staring at the scarlet liquid uncomfortably, my stomach churning.

“Are you okay?” Caroline said, holding my arm. “You’re like really pale…”

“I think I’m going to be sick…” I mumbled, trying to take deep breaths.

The others hadn’t had the same problem I’d had. Except Tyler and Ahti who’d broken the scalpel trying to do the experiment.

Caroline wiped the blood from my finger with a tissue and then wrapped the band-aid around it.

“Excellent.” Stanko declared. “Now, open the vial provided and very carefully let one drop fall atop your sample.” I tried to take the drop counter but my hand shook too much, so Caroline did it for both of us.

Nothing happened to my blood… I tried not to think of it… But Caroline’s quickly clotted up into a tiny pebble.

“Now which of you have had their sample change?” A few people rose their hands; Caroline, Amber, Allen and Jaime. “Congratulation pupils, you’re officially mutants. What we have just accomplished was merely a simple blood type differentiation test that only controlled for one specific type of antigen; the V-type which is unique to mutants. The vial contained antibodies which reacted to the antigen in your blood. Any questions?”

“Can I go to the bathroom? I think I’m going to be sick…”

The teacher nodded and I ran out, running for the bathroom across the hall. Luckily, I didn’t throw up but I didn’t feel any better.

So I splashed my face with cold water before gobbing down one of my pills to calm my stupid brain down…

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Generation: Part XII

A new generation of heroes

Part XII: Hurt

“Aww, shucks.”

“Mama told me when I was seven I had asked for a younger brother or sister, but they didn’t want to risk drawing more attention since we would all have powers. They’re very private about their abilities,” They said.

It was understandable. Although mutants were generally well tolerated outside of specific extremist communities, family of mentalists were at more risk than most and with mutants as young as six keeping powers hidden wasn’t always easy…

“Ah that makes sense.”

“It’s part of why I changed my surname, as well to get away from the traditional way surnames are done in Iceland.”

To say I knew nothing of Icelandic culture would have been an understatement. Most of my history geography class had focused on almost exclusively on France, England and the ancient world.

“In Iceland the population is so low so rather than having family names surnames are literally ‘daughter of’ or ‘son of’ father’s first name, or the mother’s first name if it’s a single mother.” Sage explained seeing my confusion.

“Oh, yeah, I can see how that could be awkward.” I said. The tradition was far from trans friendly.

“The population is so low there’s a dating app that can check if you’re related to anyone else,” They said with a cute laugh. “Not that I’ve really done any of that.” They then added almost defensively.

I couldn’t help but find that odd. Did they think I’d judge them based on having had a partner? It wasn’t like I was in a position to judge; Sheila and I’s relationship wasn’t exactly normal… The thought of her made my head go into overdrive.

How was I supposed to bring her up? ‘Oh hey by the way my best friend is also my ex whom I still have sex with and I think I like you?’ And really I just didn’t know what I wanted… Sage who was right here with me, or Sheila who was nearly four hundred miles away… Did I really want to give one of them up?

My thinking was interrupted by a string of ‘beep-beep-beep’ coming from Sage’s phone.

“Shoot, we need to head to class soon.” They muttered clearly annoyed.

“Let’s go then.” I said, getting up and toward the door. My head still a mess.

Sage and I got our stuff before heading to the classroom building along with the others for the day’s homeroom session. Thankfully the only problems that period were math related, Allen just browsing internet a few seats away, clearly not doing the day’s lessons.

I was six spoonful into my Mexican rice and beans when I saw the Rook cross the cafeteria before stopping at our table. I recognized him from the recording of our class’ first combat training class where he’d beaten up the others in the name of performance evaluation…

“Uh oh.” That got Sage’s attention who looked at the Rook with confusion.

“Class three of year one. It’s nice to see you’re all assembled here, that makes everything easier.” Rook declared. “Some of you have had the luxury of skipping our first class. I believe it’s time we rectify this.”

Crap. We were doomed.

“Follow me. It’s time to test out how strong you newbies are.” He declared. We weren’t done with lunch but chances were we might not keep it down anyhow…

We got up, all the others following us, either for moral support or for the show. Rather than the trainer center, the Rook guided us to an open stretch of lawn with the odd tree scattered about, away from the common paths and other buildings.

“My name is the Rook, it’s my job to make sure you all prepared to fight villains.” He said, looking us over before his gaze ended up on Allen who was just a step or two in front of the rest of the class. “A volunteer?”

After Allen claimed not to have any weapon, the Rook let down his staff, deciding to fight hand-to-hand against Allen.

Needless to say, it did not go well for Allen. Not that was a bad thing.

“I don’t know how to fight,” Sage whispered when the Rook looked through the crowd once more to pick a victim. Their hand brushed mine and they clung to it.

“It’s okay, he doesn’t expect you to know,” I answered. The Rook had wiped the floor with the others, save for Caroline and Jaime, he wanted to see what we could do, not if we could beat him.

“You’re next.” Rook said, pointing at Sage.

Sage halfheartedly took a step forward.

“Here.” Charlie said beside me, unhooking a hidden utility belt hanging from her shoulder underneath her coat. She hadn’t done the same for Allen. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who had issues with him.

Sage took the belt and examined the content before taking a step forward. That was all the Rook needed to begin the match, taking the initiative unlike the previous day where he’d let the students have it.

The rest of the class and I moved back, giving them space. Sage barely had the time to react and the Rook tripped them over with their staff. They fell down and let out a grunt of pain. Another blow came swinging down but they avoided it narrowly.

I could feel my blood boiling. I wanted to do something; Sage wasn’t a fighter, they stood no chance against the Rook…

Still Sage’s reaction time was impressive, as if they anticipated the Rook’s move, not that it did much good. Was that part of their powers?

They dodged a hit and ran past the Rook, dropping something.

Thankfully Charlie warned us and we closed our eyes, only for a bright flash to happen the next second. I opened my eyes and saw that the Rook hand their staff right around Sage’s throat, crushing their windpipe. The Rook wanted them to yield and stop struggling but they clearly couldn’t speak and the Rook wouldn’t let go…

So I ran, coming up next to them and yanking the staff away.

“Hey, stop it you’re straggling them!” I screamed at him.

Now freed, Sage fell down too fast for me to catch them, gasping for air. I wanted to check up on them but I was fuming in anger. They’d hurt Sage, might have seriously injured them if I hadn’t stopped them…

I expected to be scolded for interrupting the match, but what I didn’t expect was this: “Two versus one. I’ve had worse odds.” The Rook said.

He took his staff, stepped a few feet away and raised the weapon into a combat stance.

“Let’s see what you can do. Since you interrupted, let’s make it more interesting. The two of you versus me.”

I hesitated for a second, looking toward Sage who painfully stumbled back up, using the tree as support. Their hand clung to their throat and they still hadn’t caught their breath back. I transformed, letting the fiery fury within me out. The world turning into an array of heat sources and cold spots.

I saw the Rook was about to move but I was faster than him, I swung my arms from side to side and let out a pair of beams between the two of us, hot enough that the grass didn’t catch fire, it disintegrated.

That stopped him so I charged, flying toward him. He dodged and tried to hit me with his staff but I turned around fast enough to intercept it. Within a second the staff turned red hot, the bit that I’d touched transforming into slag.

I shot several bolts of fire at the Rook but he dodged them before taking cover behind a tree, behind which he threw all manners of projectiles at me; the boomerangs melting and the bombs exploding harmlessly against my fiery form.

They might have had skills and a thousand tricks up their sleeves but I’d transcended physical form. I charged my energy into a beam and shot it right through the tree, bisecting it in half. The Rook however hadn’t been hit.I had to give him credit; he was persistent.

He took out a bola, swung it around and I pelted his direction with more bolts, always missing him but incinerating  a good chunk of his cape. He was becoming increasingly frustrating.  He threw the Bola but it didn’t head for me. Instead it wrapped itself around Sage’s torso, destabilizing them and sending them to the ground, hitting their shoulder on a root.

“Sage!” I screamed.

I lost my focus, froze for a second and the Rook quickly made their way to Sage’s side, detaching the utility belt before hiding behind another tree. I charged toward him, read to hurt him.

The next thing I knew, there was a pop and something wet and cold expanded, covering my vision and my body. The submersion caused my power to snap off and I transformed back, covered in a weird sticky substance that wouldn’t let me move. Everything was dark but at least I could breathe without a problem.

I tried to transform again but I could feel the mental switch was missing. I’d hit my refractory period…

“I will consider this a win for myself.” Rook declared, matter of fact. Fucker didn’t even sound tired…

“What the hell is this?”

“Capture foam.” I heard Charlie said.

“Can you get me out?”

“I’ve already applied to dissolving agent, should take five to ten minutes.”

I snarled. This was going to be a pain…

“You!” I heard Rook said. “Last one up. Let’s get this over with.”

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Broken: Part XI

Broken Legacy

Part XI: Hard Goodbyes

The moment we came home, Caroline decided to make some tomato sauce in advance for tonight’s dinner, letting it simmer all day in some thingy that I didn’t know. Although we had a full kitchen at home, it mostly made toasts and microwaved pre-bought food. Ian could throw a birdarang at a running target a hundred yard away while blindfolded but kitchen knives were out of his league… Not that I was any better but I didn’t have kids.

A few minutes before Homeroom came, Caroline’s phone rang. She took it out of her pocket and stated at the screen.

“Is it…?” I asked, omitting the last two words.

“It’s my mom.” Caroline answered with a heavy sigh, just staring at the screen of her phone some more.

“Aren’t you going to answer?”

“I don’t know if I really want to…”

“I’m sure she just wants to apologize.” I said. As terrifying as mama bear could be, I didn’t want her and Caroline to be at odds because of me…

“I guess you’re right.”

She got up and went outside to talk. I kind of wanted to follow her and not leave her alone. But I couldn’t just butt in family business…

To my surprise, Caroline came back only a minute later, clutching her phone nervously. She wasn’t upset, which was a good thing, but I could still see that she wasn’t 100% a-okay.

“So?” I asked.

“She wants to see me like right now.” She said with a small sigh.

“Oh. Want me to come with you?”

There were a few seconds of silence as Caroline thought about it.

“Only if you want to.” She then said.

So I got my coat on.

“Ready to go.”

“Alright.” She said giving me the tiniest sliver of a smile.

We went out and the moment the door was closed, her hand found mine. I could feel how tense she was so I gently squeezed her hand which seemed to help. We didn’t talk on our way to the gate, instead I could just see Caroline being lost in thoughts, probably going through a thousand scenarios of what was about to happen.

“Who’s that?” Caroline asked once we arrived at the gate.

I looked and I saw that Shavek was the one on guard.

“Oh that’s Shavek. They’re a Shivat, they’re a castaway, really nice, just don’t be weirded out by their speech pattern.” I explained.


Shivats were one of the alien species we’d encountered, but unlike the Itharii, Gimelians, Venusians or Tzaries, they didn’t have a population on earth. Three years ago, a misunderstanding had caused one of their scout ship to crash on earth. The mess had gotten fixed and the Shivats sent home but Shavek had been accidentally left behind.

Shivats are these colorful insect-like creatures, which varied strongly depending on their type. Shavek being a warrior. Since I’d spent quite a bit of time at Ravenhold with Ian, I’d gotten to know them. Although I still wasn’t sure about their gender; they’d told me they were ‘unmale’ but since Shivats had a separate group called queens which did the breeding, I wasn’t sure if that made them female or some third category…

Caroline and I came foward and Shavek’s head and their big bubbly eyes turned toward us.

“Greetings unmale shivat-untype fledgelings.” Shavek said, they didn’t really do names, instead using titles such as ‘fledgeling,’ ‘warrior’ or ‘worker’ to refer to different people. Shivats didn’t have vocal cords so Shavek relied on a translator to turn the chirps they could make. “How may Shivat-self assist?”

“Greetings Shavek, we need to leave the colony for ten minutes to meet unself mother.” I said, motioning to Caroline. One thing I’d learned was that trying to mimick the Shivat speech pattern typically resulted in easier communication.

“Affirmative. Shivat-self requires identification.”

I took out my school ID and let them scan it, Caroline doing the same. That done, Shavek opened the gate for us.

“Thank you. Have a safe and efficient day-cycle, Shavek.”

“Have a safe and efficient day-cycle, fledglings. Transmit Shivat-self greetings to fledgling queen.”

I nodded and we left the school ground.

“What did that mean?” Caroline asked, whispering as if trying not to let Shavek know she hadn’t understood.

“They want you to say hi to your mom for them. Queen and mom are synonymous for Shivats and the translator can’t do the difference.”

“Oh… Well, that was weird.” She said with a chuckle.

“Shavek’s really chill once you know how to talk to them. Like once you get pass the big bug thing, they’re a really nice person. Heck, they have their own ‘dear Shavek’ advice column in the school newspaper.”

The thing had apparently begun as a joke after a student had allegedly said they’d ask the Shivat for advice and then had done so and it had become a thing until it had been put in the newspaper as to not distract Shavek 24/7. Oddly enough, Shavek had kind of become a darling of the students after that. And really other than being a big bug, they were really nice and always so dang helpful and polite.

“You’re kidding?” Caroline asked, she just stared at me like she was expecting me to be pulling her leg.

“Nope. It’s pretty wild.” I answered with a laugh. I looked around and found Mama bear leaning against her car’s hood. “Hey, there’s your mom.”

“You mind waiting here for a few?” Caroline asked.

“Sure. I’ll be right here if you need me.” We were far away I wouldn’t hear the conversation unless it’d turn to screaming. I kind of wanted to know what they’d talk about but it was more important to respect Caroline’s privacy.

“Mind holding this for me?” She then asked, taking her big leather satchel off her shoulder and giving it to me. I took it and put it on my shoulder, opposite the one where my utility belt hung, hidden under my coat.

With that done, Caroline slowly walked toward her mom, leaning on the hood as well. I looked around and found a stone bench that was meant for the shuttle bus that went back and forth between Ravenhold and Havenport.

So I sat down for a few minutes, trying not to stare at Caroline and her mom. I shot a few text to my dad, telling him Caroline had accepted the dinner invite, something I’d forgotten to tell him when he’d driven us home.

Eventually, Caroline kissed her mom goodbye and she drove away in the family car. Caroline staying in place.

I got up and went toward her.

“Are you alright?” I asked. She turned toward me and I saw the conflicting emotions hiding behind her eyes.

“Yeah, it’s just goodbyes are hard.” She said.

I wrapped my arms protectively around her and she hugged me back gently. We just stayed like that for a moment.

“Well, we better get to class.” She said. “Or we’re going to be crazy late.”

“Alright. What about the gift?”

“Eh, I’ll put it in the house at lunch time.”

I nodded and we hurried toward class, arriving a few minutes late. Thankfully Ravenhold wasn’t too pointy on class attendance so long as you performed well enough, didn’t get into trouble and it wasn’t too common.

Homeroom passed really quickly, Caroline and I just cooperating and helping each other through her lesson; I was better at math while she was better at english so it was win-win. After which was lunch time, where I settled for delicious tacos.

We were in the middle of lunch when Michael or Rook — whatever you want to call him — stepped toward us.

“Class three of year one. It’s nice to see you’re all assembled here, that makes everything easier.” He declared. “Some of you have had the luxury of skipping our first class. I believe it’s time we rectify this.” He said.

My head turned toward Allen, I couldn’t help but smile.

For once Michael was going to do something I’d appreciate; hurting Allen. And call me awful but it was going to be fun to watch.

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Hunted: Part XI


Part XI: Lunch Outside

In the end, Amber and I made it to homeroom with only a few seconds to spare before the bell rang. I could feel people staring at us, like they knew exactly what we’d been up to… Judging us… I let paranoia take the better of me and I sat down next to Tyler rather than sit with Amber…

“Up late again?” Tyler asked.

“No, I was just hiding in my room all morning.” I said, avoiding to mention Amber.

“Oh alright. Say, my HotM supergroup is doing it’s weekly raiding today, want to join us for buried Ziggurat?”

“Sure. I mean I’ll think about it.”


We went back to our daily lessons, which I kept screwing up, words and numbers getting jumbled in my head, much to my frustration. I’d only ever reached 12th grade without being held back due to massive amount of remedial classes and pity from my teachers… Although each classes was only about an hour and fifteen minutes, Homeroom felt like it took hours for me as I struggled so much… Eventually, Lunch came about and I was freed from my misery. I knew I’d have to ask Mr. Martin for help eventually but I hated failing so miserably. It made me feel so stupid…

The fast food counter had something I hadn’t seen in three years; poutine, which I’d first tasted on my family vacation to Canada a few years back. It was a mix of french fries, gravy and cheese curd. It was pretty freaking delicious. Once I got out of line, I saw Amber heading toward me, a tray in hand. Unlike me, she’d gone for soft-shell tacos.

“Want to go have lunch outside? It’s a nice day.” I proposed.

“Sure I guess.” She answered. “And it’s a bit more private than the cafeteria…” She then added suggestively. That made me blush.

So the two of us left the cafeteria together, finding a nice spot beneath the shade of a willow tree where we weren’t easily visible.

“What the hell is that thing?” Amber said once she saw my choice of lunch.

“Poutine, it’s amazing.”

“That looks like a mess.”

“A delicious mess.” I corrected her. She didn’t look convinced so I speared a few fries and bits of cheese curd before raising it toward her. “Try it.”

She hesitantly leaned forward and put the food in her mouth, chewing for a few seconds before swallowing.

“It’s nice, but damn there has to be enough grease in there to oil a car.” She said, making me feel self conscious. Being fat, people often judged me by my choice of food…

“Crap, I said something wrong.” She said, looking at me. “Greasy food just makes my stomach feel heavy and my whole body sluggish.”

I nodded and dug into my food. Amber offering me a bite of her tacos in return. She’d picked some shrimp tacos which were pretty nice and fresh. As we ate, we just talked about random things, nothing serious. Apparently we were both fan of old school metal bands, which was pretty cool.

“So, I’m not entirely sure how to phrase this without being weird or insulting…” Amber began, looking uncomfortable. “And I don’t want to like pretend not to notice… But you’re Asian, right?”

It was a question I’d gotten a million times, although most people just phrased it as either ‘are you Chinese or Japanese?’ as if no other East-Asian ethnicity existed or they just asked me where I ‘was really from’ as if I really wasn’t from California…

“Yeah, I’m actually a sixth-generation Korean-american. My great-great grandparents emigrated here like forever ago.”

“Oh.” She said, thinking about it for a moment. “I’m an immigrant too, well, my parents are. They’re German and Irish, they came to America just a few years before I was born.”

“I knew I detected the slightest hint of an accent.” I said, teasing her.

“Ja.” She mumbled, becoming shy all of a sudden. “I don’t speak much German or Gaelic though. My parents didn’t seem to think teaching us was a priority.”

“My family doesn’t speak Korean, my grandparents know a little but my parents couldn’t speak a sentence to save their lives. I took a few classes so I know how to ask for the bathroom but that’s about it.”

She let out a snicker. “Guess I’m not the only one who get screwed with the family heritage.”

“So, what’s the story with your sword? Like you’re pretty good with it, so it’s not like you just randomly got it.”

“It’s a family gift I guess… My folks made me take sword fighting when I was young.”

“They made you learn sword fighting? Most parents would swing the opposite direction.”

“It’s complicated.” She sighed. “But with my mutant abilities, enhanced strength and endurance, using a greatsword is fairly easy.”

“So it’s a greatsword?”

“Well, it’s inspired by Scottish claymores, although a purist would say it isn’t a true one since the cross guard doesn’t end with a quatrefoil.” She explained all serious. There was an enthusiasm I hadn’t seen before in her voice. “It’s actually made of duranium, which is a titanium based alloy; only about a third of the weight of steel but twice as durable, which is better than pure titanium based sword, but far more expensive. Even then, it’s actually one of the most commonly used material in superhero gear, most armors you see out there are actually duranium based.”

I couldn’t help but just stare at her, captivated. She was pretty darn cute when she was being a weapon nerd.

“Of course duranium isn’t the actual name, just a brand name. In reality it’s called compound T14–”

She didn’t finish that sentence as I kissed her. It took her a second to process what I’d just done and return the favor. For a moment, we just sat there, our lips meeting again and again.

“You’re hella cute, you know that?” I whispered when we broke apart.

In answer, she looked away and turned red in embarrassment.

“Aww look at you, all shy.”

“Shut up…” She said, jokingly but still clearly embarrassed.

“Wait, am I your first relationship?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Oh come on, big gorgeous girl like you? You’ve never…”

“I didn’t really have the chance… I moved around a lot.”

“Like you’ve never done anything not even just to try or as part of a dare or something?”

She shook her head timidly.

“Dang. Guess I’ll have to go gentle on my girlfriend then.”

There was a few seconds long pause before she spoke.

“Say, you don’t think we’re kind of rushing into things?” She asked. “I mean, we’ve just met… It’s not exactly normal…”

I shrugged.

“Honestly, I don’t know… My life is all crazy and I don’t even know what normal is anymore… All I know is that you’re cute and that life’s too short to waste time thinking about when it’s too soon to do what I want to do.” In my case, life’s shortness was all too real, the Shigeo-kai could have tracked me down and their assassins could jump me any second…

My thoughts were interrupted when I noticed a large gathering not too far from us. It wasn’t hard to recognize that it was our class; Rowan and Ahti were very noticeable, even from a distance.

“What the hell is going on over there?” I asked myself out loud.

Amber turned around and saw the rest of the class assembled nearby, watching Allen getting his ass kicked by the Rook.

“We should probably join them.” She said.


We got up and joined the others.

“I yield.” Allen said, on the ground in a heap at the Rook’s feet.

“Uhm.” Rook intoned before turning toward the others. “Hopefully one of you will be less disappointing.”

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